Over the past few years I have had a selection of lovely people contact me regarding my work, and wondering if there is any chance that I hold work at home and could they come round and have a look.
The answer is always yes, and when I am talking to people at exhibitions and shows I always offer them the choice of coming round for a chat and a look. Selling the idea with " I have a bean to cup Coffee machine so if you don't like the work I can guarantee the coffee is good".
I have a small house which is basically a studio with ill defined kitchen, bedroom and lounge areas. So rather than dragging prospective clients all over the house I decided to turn the small hallway into a display space. I found four, rather handy storage boxes by a skip and hung on the wall, they make remarkably fine display shelving. This area also works as my "mind castle"- I think that's right- A Sherlock Holmes reference - BBC - not the books. So I can look at my work and try to find a way forward without having to empty boxes of pots for a critique of my work .
This was sort of working but it's difficult to hold a couple of pots and the perfect cappuccino with only two hands. I then bought a small white collapsible table from the rather brilliant and often piss taken IKEA. Now, clients can enjoy the work stress free, with no need to penetrate the house any further, leaving the appalling mess that I live in undisturbed until I cannot find that essential throwing tool or my wallet......................